Thursday, October 07, 2010

Fishing Adventures

Recently I've had fishing on my mind and how I'd like to start going again. It was a reminder of all the fun experiences I had when I was a kid and proved to be a great activity growing up. It's been years since I last cast out a fishing rod but it really would not take much for me to start going again. I have a fishing rod back at my parents house and all I'd have to do is buy the lure, find a river, and start fishing! I'm really not sure that I'd actually keep the fish because I don't really have much of an appetite for fresh fish, only when it comes to fish sticks. But still, the excitement of having a fish on your line and trying to reel it in - it's really a great feeling.

I believe the last time I went out on a fishing adventure was when my sister and I did some fishing near the old family farmhouse a short distance from my parents house. This was back when I was in high school and she in college - so over ten years ago. A river boarders the property line and there had been reports of trout in the river in the past. More often than not we never ended up catching anything, other than a sucker fish here and there. My sister ended up catching the suckers while I caught nothing. But despite the lack of catching anything, it was always a great experience being there with my sister. Now, it would be too difficult for her to break away from her family.

Those fishing experiences with my sister weren't the only ones I had. Back when I was about six or seven years old, my Great Uncle Elmer took me and my cousins on a few fishing trips. One trip it was just him and I, in fact. I was too young to really appreciate the time I had with him, but I remember having a ton of fun hanging out with him. My dad made a home video of one of our fishing trips. In the video, I had caught a fish but was having such a horrible time taking the fish off the hook. It was so slimy, gross, and dangling there wildly that I would just rather leave it dangling on the hook. Eventually my uncle came over and took it off for me - him chucking at my reaction to the fish. Now, I wouldn't have an issue taking a fish off the hook because I can grab the thing and twist the hook right out of the thing's mouth. But that was more of an issue back when I was just a kid.

I remember another memorable fishing trip when I went out on the lake at my cousin's camp to do some fishing. We ended up finding an excellent spot and caught an incredible amount of perch. Every time we'd cast our line out into the lake, we usually ended up with a bite. I remember us having a bucketful of perch before the day was out. I still remember that time with my cousin's very vividly and it's one of those trips I'll always remember.

So who knows, maybe next summer I'll get back into the swing of going out fishing again. But a lot of things have changed and even more things may be changing in my life before long. Will I even get the time to go fishing? That will remain to be seen. Whatever the case, I still have plenty of good memories regarding fishing adventures I've had in the past. And if I never go fishing again, at least I'll always be able to hold onto those.


Anonymous said...

Have you asked her.....she may like to fish? B.

Luke said...

Yep, we have talked about fishing and she'd like to go again, with me.